The show's stage at Disney Hollywood Studios is a replica of the Endor shield generator bunker from Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The children then give back the training lightsaber and robe, and are given an official Jedi diploma. After the stage lowers, the Jedi Master uses a Jedi mind trick to make the stormtroopers leave. The stage lowers again and the villains disappear. Outnumbered, Vader and Maul retreat back to the stage. Jedi Master Yoda uses the Force to contact everyone at the audience.
With the help of the Jedi Master and Jedi Knight, the children use the fight combination they were taught to engage the two villains.
The Jedi trainees face off with the semblances of either Maul or Vader, which are actually a test for the potential Padawans a la Luke's battle against the dark side on Dagobah. Darth Vader and Darth Maul (occasionally replaced by Asajj Ventress) come on the stage. After the last combination practice, the Jedi Master suddenly feels a disturbance in the Force. Under the direction of the Jedi Master, and while receiving advice and an oral history of the Jedi Order and the Force the children are taught a simple combination of lightsaber attacks. They are given training lightsabers and Jedi robes, and then the Master demonstrates what the children will learn in a combination of moves. At Disneyland, they are picked from the audience. At Walt Disney World, the children sign up at rope drop for the show.